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​Golden Harvest Kai Tak Concept

​Golden Harvest Kai Tak Concept is a boutique cinema that is situated in San Po Kong with a distinctive hipster style. We have shown this style by infusing wooden materials, white and pastel green color, which is rarely used in cinema and theatre interior.

New interpretation to the cinema Instead of creating a traditional cinema, we have decided to give a new interpretation to the cinema. While people always connect cinema with "dark", "grand" and "cool"style, we have innovatively infused the hipster trend into the interior of Golden Harvest Kai Tak.

A IG-able place for audience to check in Throughout the interior, triangular forms with simple linings are massively used in the entrances, ceilings, wall and counter which give a modern nordic style. Wood and ceramic materials are adopted to give fresh, natural and minimal atmosphere. Making use of different materials and patterns on the floorings, the open space is differentiated into several areas in a harmonious way. Audience enjoying the food and beverage here would definitely feel as though they are in a hipster cafe and they would intend to "check in" in social platforms.

​Green as theme color in cinema house

Green color is adopted in the house interior which enhances a young and refresh atmosphere. Geometric lines are used to create dynamic patterns to flow through the interior which not only enhance the space, but also unify the design of the interior. It would be a brand new experience for the audience to enjoy the movie in the cinema house.


Completion: 2018

Nature: Cinema

Location: San Po Kong

No. of Houses: 2

No. of Seats: 213

GFA: 450 SQM

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