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Golden Harvest Whampoa

Our design concept was to create a film production studio into Whampoa, we used an industrial building structure and brought in elements of a film set to recreate this theatrical and elegance of a movie theatre. We have also used black metal bars and spotlights to create a triangular ceiling along with other industrial-like features to really capture an essence of being in a film studio.

We have created different designs for each zone, for example in the gourmet concierge we have designed 4 posters to decorate the walls. Each one has different graphics and description of the popular food that the cinema sells – Hot dogs, churros, nachos and popcorn, creating an interesting and informative mural for the room.

The VIP room is unique in its own way, with an artificial wall of 3D lettering and numbers made out of black paint, recycled wood and white bread tiles. We want the customers to walk into a dream work atmosphere as they enter the room and get lost in their own imagination.

For this design we have used a mixture of tiles, wood, metal and plastic laminate to create a modern, stylish and grand interior. We want each customer to walk into the cinema with a feeling of excitement and amazement as they step inside. We also wanted to bring the outside into the inside, by using benches and tiles that you would normally see outdoors as part of the design. The idea comes from how movies often would film their exterior scenes inside instead, which enhances the feeling of being on a production set even more.


Completion: 2015

Nature: Cinema

Location: Hung Hom

No. of Houses: 4

No. of Seats: 1,246

GFA: 2,100 SQM


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